Johan Eliasson

Tech, space, games and random stuff

Hello, World!

With the switch to Hugo, I wanted a place to test the syntax highlighting that comes with Chroma. This is that place, and we’ll use the classic “Hello, World!” example in various computer languages I have used in one way or another, past or present. Of course, let’s over-engineer it by having some pipelines do the output. Origin The phrase “Hello, World!” was popularized by “The C Programming Language” by Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie in 1978, which featured a simple C program printing the message to the screen. However, its first known use was in an internal Bell Labs tutorial by Kernighan in 1974. Over time, this phrase became the universal starting point for programmers learning a new language, representing the excitement of writing and executing their first successful program. ...

Creating a npm package to extend husky

A couple of months ago I stumbled upon the npm package husky. It provides a way to hook into various git hooks and brings some nice opportunities in improving DX. After having husky and a few hooks in some various git projects, I thought it would be a fun mini project to make these hooks into a separate npm package: @jeliasson/husky-hooks was created. This npm package aims to increase the developer experience and consistency by providing a set of hooks that can be opted-in the development lifecycle. It depends on husky for pre-commit and pre-push hooks, and a few other zero/low dependency packages. ...

RedwoodJS on Kubernetes

After seeing some posts about self-hosting on Heroku and Render I got inspired and decided to take a swing at writing about Self-hosting RedwoodJS on Kubernetes. If you are a serverfull person who likes to get your hands dirty with Docker, Kubernetes with GitHub Actions - this read might be just for you. Heads-up though; It’s quite a lot of config. 🤓 Also; while this is a working implementation that currently supports a production application (maybe a future #show-tell), it leaves some decisions to make on your part. That being said, let me know if you want me to elaborate on some topics and I’m definitely down to make this implementation better. ...