Time, Set, Go!
This sets the starting point for a brand new personal blog on the internet. It will primarily be focused around tech, space, games and random stuff. Time will tell. ⏲️
Why now and not in year 1999?
Now is the perfect time have an over-engineered stack to build and deploy a personal blog.
We use Astro, which so far seems like a neat JS framework in the sea of JS frameworks. The layout and it’s components uses a mix of Svelte, React and Astro - and the articles are written with markdown syntax. When pushing code, it’s built as a SSG page and deployed to the edge of Cloudflare Pages for blazing fast speeds ✨
A shoutout to Jeff Delaney at Fireship.io for featuring Astro in his Code Report and to the contributors of one-aalam/astro-ink for a neat starting boilerplate. 🚀
If you’re intrested in knowing more, check out the About page. It might have more info…